
S1 E22: You don't need a coach but you might want one

July 29, 2024 Madiama Mbaye Season 1 Episode 22

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Imagine having someone in your corner who believes in you, guides you through life's obstacles, and helps you unlock your full potential. Welcome to this episode of Mentium, where I, Majama, take you on an enlightening journey into the transformative world of coaching. We'll explore how coaching, while not a necessity, can significantly enhance your personal and professional growth. Learn how coaches are different from therapists, why you might want one even if you don't need one, and how they can help you discover your values, overcome challenges, and achieve your dreams.

Think of coaching as having a fitness trainer for your mind. While you can certainly succeed on your own, a coach provides structure, accountability, and new perspectives that can accelerate your progress. In this episode, we'll dive deep into the core principles of coaching, its benefits, and the coaching process in action. Whether you're curious about personal growth or considering hiring a coach, this episode is packed with insights to help you lead a more fulfilled and balanced life. Get ready to unleash the power of your mind—tune in to Mentium now!

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Speaker 1:

Hello there, beautiful people, thank you so much for tuning into Mentium, the podcast that takes you on a journey to unlock the full potential of your mind. My name is Majama. I will be your host and your guide on this adventure into the fascinating realm of mindset, mental fitness and personal growth. In each episode, I dive deep into the intricacies of the human mind, exploring the power of positive thinking, resilience and the strategies to cultivate a mindset that propels you towards success. So buckle up for a journey of self-discovery towards success. So buckle up for a journey of self-discovery, empowerment and transformation. Get ready to unleash the power of your mind with Mentium. Hello and welcome to Mentium. Thank you so much for joining me one more time. As always, I am pleased and honored to welcome you at the release of a new episode. Today, I would like to talk about a topic that is really near and dear to my heart, and that is coaching. You know, these days, wherever I go, when people ask me what do you do, and I say I'm a coach, they will automatically ask me what? Sport? Because they assume that coaching is only about working with people in sports, and I would always say that no, I am a coach who work with people to help them unleash their full potential, whatever that might look like for them, whether it is life business, whether it is life business, entrepreneurship, communication or personal development. So today we are diving into this fascinating topic. You don't need a coach, but you might want one. Whether you are curious about personal growth or considering hiring a coach, this episode is for you, so let's get started. During hiring a coach, this episode is for you, so let's get started. One thing that I know that all human beings sometimes want more, or they want less, or they want both. Let me explain. If you were like me, you want more out of life, more peace of mind, more simplicity, more joy, more freedom, but also you might want less, less stress, less worries, less anxiety, and sometimes you want both of those. Now let me tell you that achieving any of those on your own might be challenging. Now, don't get me wrong. Some people are doing it, and that's the reason why today, we would like to explore coaching. So we will be talking about what coaching is, why you don't need a coach, but might want one, what are the benefits of coaching, and we will end with the coaching process in action.

Speaker 1:

What exactly is coaching? At its core, coaching is a partnership between a coach and a client, aimed at helping the client achieve their personal and professional goals. Unlike therapy, which often focuses on understanding the past to heal and move forward, coaching is future-oriented and action driven. A coach sees the client as naturally resourceful and whole, with the answers already within them. The coach's role is to facilitate self-discovery, challenge limiting beliefs and support the client in creating actionable plans. This relationship is all about unlocking potential and living a more fulfilled and balanced life.

Speaker 1:

Now, why did I say earlier that you don't need a coach? Well, it's true, you don't need a coach to succeed. Many people achieve their goals and lead happy lives without ever working with a coach, because you have the skill, knowledge and capability to navigate life's challenges on your own. However, coaching is not about necessity. It is about enhancement. Think of it like having a fitness trainer. You can get in shape on your own, for sure, but a trainer provides structure, accountability and expertise that can accelerate your progress and help you achieve new heights. Similarly, a coach helps you see blind spots, challenge limiting beliefs and offer new perspective.

Speaker 1:

Now imagine discovering your values, life's purpose, and gaining the tools to stay true to them, finding motivation, support and guidance to overcome obstacles and enjoy every victory. Imagine having a supportive person who genuinely wants to understand your goals, dreams and passions, someone who will provide the tools and framework for you to achieve them. Imagine having someone in your corner who will tell you the truth about where you are strong and where you sell yourself short. Someone who believes in you even when you don't believe in yourself. You know life can be challenging and there is no denying it. However, you don't have to navigate through it on your own. Whether you desire change or growth and who doesn't? You can work with a coach to make it a reality. You possess the necessary tools within you. The coach will provide the guidance and support to help you see the way forward clearly and empower you to take action.

Speaker 1:

Now let's talk about the benefits of having a coach. Some of the benefits of coaching are number one clarity and focus. A coach helps you define your goals and keep your eyes on the prize. They assist in clearing the mental clutter so that you can focus on what truly matters. Number two accountability. Having someone to answer to can significantly increase your commitment to your goals. A coach holds you accountable in a supportive yet challenging way.

Speaker 1:

Number three personal growth. Coaching is not about achieving external goals. It's about growing as a person. A coach helps you explore your values, beliefs and passions. Helps you explore your values, beliefs and passions, leading to a deeper self-awareness and personal development. Number four better decision-making. Through powerful questioning and reflection, a coach helps you make more informed and conscious decisions. They guide you to consider different perspective and potential outcomes. Number five support and encouragement. Life can be tough. Having somebody in your corner who believes in you can make a huge difference. A coach provides unwavering support and encouragement, especially in challenging times. Okay, now let's look at the coaching process in action.

Speaker 1:

Coaching is built around several key principles. Number one fulfillment. This principle is about helping clients discover what they truly want in life and align their actions with their values and passions. Number two balance passions. Number two balance. A coach helps the client make conscious choices that create balance in their lives. This involves exploring different perspectives and finding creative solutions to life's demand. Number three the process. This principle emphasizes in being fully present in the moment and appreciating the journey. It's about experiencing life fully rather than just focusing on outcomes. Number four action and learning. Coaches help clients move forward towards their goals while also deepening their learning about themselves. This dual focus ensures that growth is sustainable and impactful.

Speaker 1:

To illustrate these principles, let's consider the hypothetical scenario. Imagine you're a mid-level manager feeling stuck in your career. A coach would first explore what fulfillment looks like for you. What are your passions, strengths and values? They would then help you balance your current responsibilities with your new opportunities for growth. Through the process, you would learn to be more present and appreciate your progress. And finally, the coach would support you in taking actionable steps towards your career goals, while also reflecting on the personal insights you gain along the way.

Speaker 1:

You know, I would say this all successful people in the world have coaches, but a lot of people think of it as just like, why am I paying somebody to just have a discussion with me? Well, as we said, you don't need it, but you might want one, because a coach would help you do something that you might not be able to do on your own For instance, holding you accountable to make sure that when you set goals, you will put the commitment behind. When you say you're going to do something, the coach will hold you accountable into doing that. So that alone is priceless. Plus, really having somebody in your corner, somebody who will support you, somebody who will cheer you up when you feel down, because life will knock you down. It's just a matter of time. But when that happens, you need somebody who will be able to uplift you, who would be able to challenge you but also support you in a way that you will understand that this is what you needed to do. Now, there you have it. You might not need the coach, but having one can certainly make a profound difference in your life.

Speaker 1:

The coaching process is a powerful framework that fosters growth, fulfillment and clarity. If you were curious about exploring this further, I would highly recommend you schedule a discovery call with me. It is completely free of charge and you and I will explore together whether coaching is right for you. Thank you so much for joining me today on Momentum. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing, leaving a review and sharing it with others who might benefit. Until next time, keep exploring, growing and unlocking your full potential. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. I am Majama and this is Mentium Peace.

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